Post by caressa on May 21, 2006 15:13:16 GMT -5
Post by caressa on Mar 8, 2013 2:01:56 GMT -5
Love this, it reminds me that even though I stopped using, my disease didn't go away. It is just there waiting for me to pick up and it is always there whispering in my year that I don't have a problem, everyone else has. This time it will be different, you haven't used for a long time, and so what if you picked up a few substitutions along the way, you are just F.I.N.E.
Post by BW on Mar 8, 2013 13:22:08 GMT -5
Today for me it is about progressing spiritually sometimes quickly...sometimes slowly...
Post by caressa on Mar 9, 2013 1:14:49 GMT -5
Thanks for sharing. It is a spiritual program and started a spiritual quest at 1 year sober. I had so many messages from my past and from listening to all the members in AA, I had to look to see who my God was to me. Through that search and connecting with my God, I found myself. At the beginning it was in meetings and listening to the people who shared, later on the internet, yet it all amounts for me, to my connection with my God. He/She is as shown to me in today, and I am given that Divine Orderly Good, because my God give me Good Orderly Direction by showing me a new way of life and utilizes people, places and things to show me the way.
If I don't make that daily connection, I allow my disease to slip in be it by listening to people who are still acting out in their disease or by allowing blocks and walls to be erected to block me from that Spirit, and/or ignoring the lessons and experiences I am shown and prevent myself from growing by closing my mind.
My daily connection is the only defense I have against this disease. I also have to be aware that my disease is not one drug, I have used many things over the years and anything I put between me and my God, becomes my drug of choice in today.
It isn't the drug: alcohol, pills, relationships (fear of being alone), men (looking for attention), food, shopping, gambling (Nevada Tickets), work and busy. It is not the drug, that isn`t the issue, the problem is me. It was me long before I picked up my first drug that helped me to stuff and not allow me to feel. I always wanted to escape from my reality because it was fear and pain, and I spent most of my life looking outside of myself to make me feel better. The insanity of our disease, so much better to go within and get in touch with my Creator.
Post by SunnyGirl on Jun 19, 2013 13:28:25 GMT -5
Today for me it is about progressing spiritually sometimes quickly...sometimes slowly... Well said BW.... When we fill ourselves up daily (topping off the tank) I helps us to grow in every aspect of life.... "I can't, God can, and I'm going to let Him" Peace on the journey, SG
Post by Lin on Jul 4, 2013 9:53:16 GMT -5
Very good reading. I Missed it the first time around.
Post by majestyjo on Sept 28, 2014 20:43:18 GMT -5
Wish we had a thank you to show that we appreciate someone sharing on a post we had made. It is a progressive disease, and it can go both ways, it depends on what we feed our disease. It is often where we keep it and how we look at it. I had to own it. I had to treat it. I had to continue to do so one day at a time. It wasn't about a quick fix it, a spiritual band aid, but a spiritual dressing daily. I can't, God can, just for today, I choose to let Him.
Post by majestyjo on Sept 26, 2019 16:03:16 GMT -5
Good reminder that we need to work this program physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.